Tag Archives: blush

Brown Cheeks Don’t Blush

I’m easily embarrassed.  Always have been. Maybe one day, I’ll wake up and stop worrying  about what people think of me. There’s a commercial on tv now talking about 5 year olds and their fearlessness. The catch phrase is “Welcome to you 5th birthday party” or something like that. Well, I’m five again and I’m letting go of fear.

My cheeks have always been the shade of brown that never blush. That’s a good thing, too because I’ve been able to hide shame, doubt, fear and even excitement.

I’ve hidden behind these cheeks for far too long. Ironically enough, I even wear blush, but that’s another blog for another day.

In an attempt to improve my writing, I’ll blog everyday. There. I said it. I’ll blog everyday to become a better writer.

My confidence level isn’t where it should be but I have stories to tell. I’ll tweet and follow other writers and just be me…

I am Sepia Brown.  A writer who thinks too much. A woman with brown cheeks that never blush.

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